
Sadness and Laughter

Reality has hit this Chick hard in the last few weeks. My dad died. What do you say about that? I was fortunate to be with him at the moment he made his transition, but circumstances have made the resulting events crazy and angry and sad. But it has also exposed the Universe as the Supreme Joker... things that have been said and how it appears it will play out remind me that, in the end, it really is all a farce and all you can do it laugh at it.

Hating to quote Rumsfeld, there are the known knowns, the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns... speculation abounds and no one really knows the whole story, only bits and pieces.

But I trust the benevolent Universal Intelligence to work it all out to everyone's greatest and highest good, no matter what that ends up looking like. I hope very much that my family remains intact when all is said and done.

As for me, there will be no chicken counting.

namaste- RC