Conservatism is the Critical problem in America and the World.
What the hell is wrong with people? It seems like the loonies are taking over the country. It's actually a little frightening. Put pissed off conservative white guys together with guns and umbrage and we have a tinderbox situation.
Since no one actually reads this, i have to say that I truly and deeply believe that the cause of ALL the worlds problems is due to conservative, fundamentalist often white, men.
Who gets a gun and takes out their anger on innocent people? Republican conservative, religious fundamentalist, often white, or some combo of, men. (RCFWM). who brought this country to its knees with this financial crisis and all the chicanery that lead to it happening? RCFWM. The two wars? the 9/11 attacks? racism, xenophobism, nationalism, naziism, tabliban, al quaeda, wife-beating, gun-blasting, gay-bashing, fake moralist, torture, anti-science, war, slavery,...shit, I could go on forever...all of this is done by conservative, religious, republican, usually white, MEN.
Point to one big, ugly horror like those above that women have done. that's what I thought.
Go ahead and write this off as a screed. yeah, I'm probably some fat man-hating bitter old crank who has a bone to pick with (fill in the blank). And I'll bet I'm a lesbian, too! What if I was any of these things? doesn't change the facts.
Conservatism and it's Flying Monkeys of religious fundamentalism, un-earned moral sanctimony, guns and red-neck stupidity is the cause of almost every bad thing. But don't take my word for it. Follow the money, if you will, and it will always lead back to conservatism.
Liberals..and women.. don't go around shooting people up out of frustration and their political impotency. only conservative men.
So, it's not just men that are the problem. it's not just WHITE men that are the problem. it's conservatism and it's insane, hypocritical dogma that are at the base of every bad thing I can think of. I can't wait until they are bred away or die away as the human species becomes more enlightened.
I pray for it every day. It's the only hope for the world.